As much as I love Christmas, the gift giving aspect of it can get a bit stressful. We've all gotten gifts where you know the person was really thinking of you and trying to be thoughtful but the size was wrong, or they got your favorite team mixed up, or they had no idea you were allergic to wool. It happens and the gift in question either gets returned/ exchanged or tucked away in the back of a closet until the next yardsale comes along. While it is the thought that counts, it feels so great when you find a gift the recipient truly loves. You know that whenever they use it they will think of you.
Well, I've got some good news. This year the guessing game ends and the likelihood of giving (or getting) something destined for the yardsale pile has been significantly reduced.
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to Kaboodle.
This website has taken the idea of a wish list and combined it with the accessability and convenience of social networking sites. You create a profile and then, when you are browsing online, add things to your kaboodle wishlist with one click. You can even specify color, size and any other important details. Next, you invite your friends, relatives and anyone else you find yourself shopping for, to make a profile too and become your friend. You are able to look at all of your friends' wishlists and purchase gifts directly from there! Ta-Da! Guessing game over, confusion avoided.
What makes it even better, there is an option for you to list your favorite stores/brands within your profile. That way, if someone doesn't see something in their price range on your wish list, or simply prefers to give you a gift card, they know exactly what stores you shop at. Woo-hoo! no more wasted gift cards (read: no more wasted money).
I will be able to buy the latest geek-tastic gadget for Steve without getting a headache from the technical details and Steve can get me the beautiful vintage jewelry I love from without fear. It truly is a win-win situation. :)
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