Monday, December 6, 2010


As I mentioned in my last post, I have to take some classes that I'm not really jazzed about. Spanish in particular is not my favorite.

Ironically, Spanish culture, art, food, and wine ARE my favorites.

Thus my motivation was discovered.

Steve and I keep daydreaming about taking a long vacation to Europe after I graduate. We haven't been able to decide on a specific country because there is just so much we want to see and do. The only thing we can agree on is that we want to go somewhere we speak the language (at least enough to get by).

Now that I'm going to be taking four semesters of Spanish, we have tentatively decided on a destination: SPAIN!

This country has it all, castles, gorgeous architecture, beautiful coastline, and is home to one of my favorite artists! For a chance to visit I will cheerfully endure and excell in all of my classes. :)

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