Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December waiting period

It is now that weird part of December where you feel like you are in limbo... prepping for upcoming things while still waiting for others to finish.

I have ben done with finals since Thursday, but my final grades are not published yet. This has led to repeated calculations on my part utilizing "what if" final exam/paper scores to determine a general range for my final grade. Since being asked to join the honor society and making the Dean's List last semester I kind of want to keep the positivity going.

The other thing creating this weird feeling is the approach of Christmas. We decorated weeks ago, I've done Christmas crafts, told the kids my favorite stories, watched Charlie Brown and the Grinch, baked Christmas cookies, sent out Christmas cards, bought the gifts for family.... all that's left is getting together on the 25th.

I'm incredibly thankful for the ability to celebrate this year since last year was so nuts, but everything seems so much more relaxed than I remember. There is no holidy budget crisis, no last minute shopping spree and postal bankrupcy shipping everything out on time... just quiet nights with the lights on and cuddles on the couch.

I like it a whole bunch. In fact, I could get used to this.

Now, all I need to do is finish wrapping everything and come up with stocking stuffers for Steve and I will be all set. :)

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