Thursday, June 7, 2012

Complaining gets results

Just as I had finally found some peace about the fact that Georgia State did away with December graduation, I saw this news story on the university home page.

That's right, folks, enough people complained about the issue and we were able to change the minds of the powers that be. I will actually have a real graduation ceremony!

Which means that I get to wear this:

And send out these:

And walk across this stage:

When I thought I wasn't going to get a traditional graduation ceremony, I tried my best to focus on the fact that my degree is a personal accomplishment and remind myself that I don't really need public recognition of the achievement outside of my family. However, now that the possibility is open and available again and I am allowing myself to think about it, I really, really can't wait for that day. I WANT to wear the unflattering regalia. I WANT to sit for hours waiting for my turn to cross that stage and shake the Dean's hand. 

I definitely want my name read out loud for the whole Georgia Dome to hear followed by the words "magna/summa cum laude". 

I cannot even begin to express how thrilled I am with the Georgia State commencement committee for changing their minds and bringing back the December graduation ceremony. 

(the pictures are courtesy of, herff jones and the GSU facebook page)

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