Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Plot Twist

In all seriousness, it's been nuts around here.

As you know, I started a new job in a new county and school district this year. Still first grade, but everything else changed. So I settled into my routine there and somehow also settled into being a working mom. 

Ok... as settled as possible in a month. 

Then, Y quit dance because she felt she had no time to do her homework or play. Which was basically true. 

Then we got new furniture for the downstairs of our house. It's like a completely new space. 

Yay change! Right?

Steve's schedule got changed to 11am-8pm for the month of September. He gets home after bedtime and doesn't wake up until we are out of the house in the mornings. So I'm doing this daily parenting thing almost completely solo.

Then, on friday my principal told me that, due to low enrollment, I'm being moved to a new school with the opposite problem. Not sure where yet, not sure what grade you'll be teaching either. We'll let you know before you report to your new location in a week.

I spent this week gathering my student's work and data to put it in some sort of organized fashion for my students' new teachers. I also started prepping my 16 little 6 year-olds for the huge change or getting a new teacher after a month of school. 

All while not knowing anything about my own situation except that I'm leaving. And I have one work day to pack up my room. 

Oh yeah... and not sure when I'll be able to register my kids at the new school since they WILL be coming with me. Not sure how I'll juggle things if registration doesn't mesh with my new schedule. 

And let's not forget that, to my kids, a new school was always code for "new home". So they have been experiencing one giant emotional trigger for a full week. Lots of defiance and acting out which is not normal for them. Tons of fun for me. Because again, I'm pretty much on my own.

It's been a stressful September to say the least.

Our family could definitely use some prayers to get us through this crazy transition. 


  1. Oh, Bekkah I am so sorry to hear that everything is up in the air right now for you, your children and your students. Being displaced is not easy and I so wish districts had better ways of handling these situations!

    I have been in your shoes on the teacher front. My two biggest pieces of advice are

    1: Advocate for yourself and your new students-they told me at my new school that I had one day to set up my classroom and be ready for my new students. I politely and professionally explained I needed three (1 to ensure my classroom was fully ready to welcome my new students, 1 to ensure I had to time read the cummulative folders and data of my new students and be able to talk to their teachers so we would not start off behind and 1 day to ensure I was fully prepared for my first week of instruction for my new students) I can't remember if we compromised on two or if they have me all three, but I definitely had more than the one.

    2. Treat your first week with your new students as the first week of school (do all the getting to know you, team building and procedures you need to). Some might argue that your time should be solely focused on academics but we all know the value in the tasks I noted above and it will save you a lot of time in the long run by setting you and your students up for success from the start.

    So many hugs and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!!!!

    1. Thanks for the advice. I will definitely attempt to negotiate for the three day prep time. That makes so much sense. I was just thinking this morning about questions I need to ask about beginning of the year assessment data.

      And I will definitely ask you if I need more advice. So far, this experience has been incredibly frustrating.
